Pop Quiz - How Sustainable Are You?

Pop Quiz - How Sustainable Are You?

How Sustainable Is Your Family Living?

Whether you’ve already started making sustainable choices or plan to soon, it’s always a good idea to evaluate how well you’re doing and to see how you can make further adjustments. Understandably, going green can have its challenges in the beginning but when the whole family is on board, it becomes much more achievable.

If you’ve been making sustainability a part of your family’s routine or you’re ready to make the change, the following pop quiz will help you re-evaluate or evaluate your current living situation.

1. When it comes to overall concern for the OG Mother, earth, do you...

a: Talk with the family and come up with ways to help save the environment within your community
b: Sometimes mention it with the family but don’t create any action steps
c: What’s global warming?

2. When you have baby items you are no longer using, do you...
a: Get them into the circular economy by selling or donating whenever possible
b: Just add them to the growing pile in basement or garage
c: Chuck 'em

3. When purchasing baby gear do you…
a: Check out used item options
b: Wait for a sale on new items
c: Not give it much thought; I usually purchase it brand new always

4. When it comes to supporting a local eco-friendly company vs. buying from a chain store, do you…
a: Only shop local, especially when sustainability is involved
b: Shop both, but it really comes down to may the best deal win
c: Only shop at chain stores 

Mostly A’s – you're mindfully living sustainably!
You enjoy lending a helping hand to Mother Earth by extending the life of your items. We love your commitment to the environment and attitude towards sustainability!
Mostly B’s – you’re on your way to becoming more sustainable!
We commend you for already making changes in your family’s life. For baby gear you no longer use, sell it with Rebelstork and make some extra cash on the side – we’d say that’s a win-win for you and the environment.
Mostly C’s – you’ve got some work to do, but we’re here to help!
Your intentions to save the environment and live sustainably are to be applauded but there’s still some work to do.
  • Considering purchasing gently used items (especially when it comes to shorter shelf life items, such as baby gear). Browse through our selection of gently used high-end baby gear here.

  • Sell the baby gear you are no longer using. When your children have outgrown their baby gear, consider selling them on our site. We’ll make sustainable living so easy for you, you’ll want to consider doing it more often! Sell with us here.

As you continue to make small everyday changes to live more sustainably, we promise it’ll become second nature.